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In-Home Therapy Program

IHT is a evidence-based, child-centered, therapeutic relationship between licensed QCHP cliniciansand a child and his/her family, for the purpose of achieving their therapy goals via at home therapysessions.

IHT works to enhance the family’s present capacity to understand the child’s needs and to supportchanges that promote healthy functioning where the child lives, learns, works and plays. Interventionsdraw on child and family strengths, clinical judgment, evidence-based practices, and collaborationwith families, to move toward their preferred vision for their child.

Successful IHT interventions are a collaborative effort to set SMART objectives that buildincrementally one upon another to effect change. Successful interventions help children attaindevelopmental, behavioral, relational, and emotional competencies that are the basis for success infamily, school, and community life.

QISH In-Home Therapy Program Values

  1. Child-centered and family driven
  2. All goals and program plans are to be made (within reasonable clinical grounds) based on thepreferences of the child and their family, in collaboration with the child and their family.

  3. Culturally responsive and appropriate
  4. All interventions and interactions are to be in line with and respectful of the cultural backgrounds andnorms of the families we serve and the homes we are welcomed into.

  5. Continuously improving
  6. Service improvements reflect a culture of continuous learning, informed by data, family feedback,evidence, and best practice

Services Provided

Currently, we provide In-Home Speech Therapy services.

The Program Journey
  1. Initial Consultation
  2. The initial consultation is the only time you’ll have to visit our center. It is a chance for parents tomeet with their child’s potential therapist, and provide them with valuable background informationabout their child’s needs. Initial consultations usually last between 30 and 60 minutes.

    At the end of the initial consultation, you’ll review the In-Home Therapy policy document, sign it,and schedule your first In-Home Therapy session which will be the assessment.

    Call us on 44122742 or send us a Whatsapp message to our specialized In-Home Therapy programnumber 55993091 to schedule an initial consultation.

  3. Assessment
  4. This will be our therapist’s first visit to your home. During the assessment, our therapist will meetyour child, and conduct both formal (standardized) and informal (play, checklists, regular interaction)assessments. These will help the therapist better understand your child’s abilities, needs, personalityand preferences

    You’ll receive an assessment report within 72 hours, alongside the therapist’s recommended therapygoals for your child. You’ll then choose the number of sessions you’d like to have and their timings.

  5. Sessions
  6. Once you’ve received your assessment report, chosen your preferred dates and times – therapysessions will start immediately.

    Here, our therapist will work with your child towards the goals identified in the assessment report, inthe comfort of your home.

  7. Re-Assessment
  8. Usually, goals are set for a 3 month period. If that period concludes, or your child achieves their goalsearlier than expected, then a re-assessment will be conducted to evaluate their progress.

    This can result in the setting of new goals for the continuation of In-Home Therapy sessions, a referralto services more appropriate for your child’s needs, or discharge from the program if the dischargecriteria has been met.

  9. Discharge
  10. If your child meets our discharge criteria, they’ll be discharged, and you’ll be provided a reportoutlining their therapy progress and current abilities. You’ll also be eligible for a free assessment atany time during the first 6 months after their discharge.

    For more information, or to schedule your initial consultation with our In-Home Therapist:
    Call: 44122742
    Send a Whatsapp Message to: 55993091

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